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Energy Consumption Calculator

Our online tools will provide quick answers to your calculation and conversion needs. On this page, you can calculate energy consumption by electric appliances. You can then, determine the energy cost to use an electrical appliance by multiplying Units consumed with charges applicable per unit.

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1 unit of electricity is equal to consumption of 1 kilowatt (kW) of power in 1 hour, where 1kW = 1000W. One kilowatt-hour is thus equal to the power used by ten 100-watt bulbs for one hour. View typical wattages of common home appliances.

Android: Use this electricity calculator offline with our all-in-one calculator app.

Power consumption formula:

U = W*h/1000
U = Units consumed
W = Appliance power in watts
h = Usage time in hours

Typical wattages of various household appliances

  • Coffee maker = 900-1200
  • Clothes washer = 350-500
  • Clothes dryer = 1800-5000
  • Dishwasher = 1200-2400 (using the drying feature greatly increases energy consumption)
  • Dehumidifier = 785
  • Electric blanket (Single/Double) = 60 / 100
  • Fans
    Ceiling = 65-175
    Window = 55-250
    Furnace = 750
    Whole house = 240-750
  • Hair dryer = 1200-1875
  • Heater (portable) = 750-1500
  • Clothes iron = 1000-1800
  • Microwave oven = 750-1100
  • Personal computer
    CPU - awake / asleep = 120 / 30 or less
    Monitor - awake / asleep = 150 / 30 or less
    Laptop = 50
  • Radio (stereo) = 70-400
  • Refrigerator (frost-free, 16 cubic feet) = 725
  • Televisions (color) = 65-180
  • Televisions (Flat screen) = 120
  • Toaster = 800-1400
  • Toaster oven = 1225
  • DVD = 20-25
  • Vacuum cleaner = 1000-1440
  • Water heater (40 gallon) = 4500-5500
  • Water pump (deep well) = 250-1100
  • Water bed (with heater, no cover) = 120-380

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